Brightview Senior Living’s Health and Wellness teams are committed to providing excellent, ethical, and professional care and services to each and every resident.
Here is what Silva K. M. Gerety, MPA, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, NHA, Corporate Director of Health and Wellness, said about Brightview’s commitment to the highest quality care.
Brightview’s approach focuses on each resident’s unique personal needs and preferences. We emphasize the importance of getting to know our residents – their likes, dislikes, interests, needs, and preferences. We focus on what is possible – what residents can do and we collaborate as partners. Our care and service delivery is with residents rather than doing it for residents to promote and maintain autonomy and individuality.
In addition to respecting individuality, we value our resident rights to choice, privacy, independence, dignity and self-determination. The involvement of family and friends is also very important. I know I said this before but the care and service delivery process is a partnership with residents, caregivers, and family.
Moreover, we recognize that no matter how healthy or frail, how independent or reliant, each resident thrives on love and attention, security and compassion and a sense of belonging. We aim to create an environment full of meaningful engagement which is crucial for healthy, vibrant lifestyles for people of all ages.
At Brightview, residents are involved in a number of activities and programs each day, each hour. And everyone’s unique abilities, interests, and desires are incorporated into the programming.
One of the most important aspects is socialization. Residents are surrounded by others who care about them and who support them. It is a beautiful thing.
We focus on what is possible so if someone is able to perform his or her own care, we welcome and encourage resident independence and resident directed care.
We also realize that needs change over time so are always open and flexible to accommodate changing needs. And, if Brightview is unable to provide the necessary housing, care, and services, we will explore options and look for resources to assist families.
The hiring process is so important for hiring the right care associates. We look for integrity, compassion, enthusiasm, and the desire to create meaningful connections – less tangible characteristics that people have or do not have. We carefully screen candidates, and, once hired, they complete an extensive training program before they work with residents.
Our vision is one of the resident and caregivers working together to create an atmosphere of acceptance, cooperation, contentment where residents are able to experience joy, comfort, meaning, and growth in their lives.